
Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Garden!

That is my garden! Ok I know to any real gardener I'm sure it probably looks like crap, but I'm happy it is actually growing! The space we have for it is tiny. Our yard is not very big at all and it is hard enough keeping the kids out of the garden as it is. I have carrots, lettuce, radishes and beets. I have some onions growing in another area.
I think my radishes might actually be ready for picking. My daughter and I ate some of the lettuce as we thinned it out a bit. Yum! So far the rabbits have left it alone (knock on wood) I think they are too busy eating the neighbors garden.


Curtis Collectables :) said...

Your garden looks amazing to me!

The Great Ethan Allen said...

it's too shady in our yard so no garden planting here. Lor knows we have tried!

readingsully2 said...

A garden is a hard thing...congrats on all of your hard work.

if you have time...last day for Treasure Hunt.

Des said...

Great work!! I'll need your help next year when we can have our own!

Pink said...

Hey, it's green. In my area that's all we ask for!

glitterstar said...

You are all so kind. :)